Sunday, March 9, 2014

That Plant Plan this year.

I am planning on trying to grow a sort of garden this year.  Last years attempt failed due to a combination of drought and roaming bands of hungry deer.  This year I am going to try again but instead of the usual stuff I am planning on growing some weirder things.   The first thing I am going to start this week are Goji Berries.  I purchased some seeds off of eBay from two different suppliers.  One order had 100, the other order had 25.  I am hoping to have at least a few plants make it out of that many seeds.

The second thing I am planning on growing is a Frankenstien monstrosity that is tomato plant on top and potato plant on the bottom.   I saw an article last year about some one in Europe selling these plants that had been grafted together.  The idea is that you have tomatoes all season and then when the tomato plant stops producing you dig up the potatoes.

I also have some Japanese Asaki beans as well as a number of lentles, and mung beans that were left over from last year.  Not to mention the back of random seeds I picked up for 75% off after last summer.  Hopefully the drought will end this year and this mish mash of a garden will have a chance to make it.

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