Friday, April 4, 2014

Double Barreled Shot Gun Internal Hammer Repair.

In today's adventure we repair a internal hammer of a double barreled shotgun.  This hammer has been used so much that the striking face has been dented from normal use.  It as also been worked on at least one time before in which it was hammered thinner to elongate the striking face.   You can clearly see the dented strike face in the above photo.  Also note that the width of the strike face is thinner then the lower part of the hammer which was not subject to previous repairs.

The first step in the repair is to weld the strike face to add material on to it.  Its good to make a few test welds on similar sized material before welding on the actual part.  For this I used the piece of metal plate in the back ground.

The next step is to rough out the shape of the hammer using the finer wheel on a  bench grinder.  This removes most of the extra material and saves a lot of time compared to using a Dremel or file.

  After roughing it out, I used a Dremel to clean it up better, then used two different honing stones to finish it up.  One of the stones I used was a fine grade triangular Gun smithing stone to clean up all the other contact points. 

The final step is to reassemble the lock plate mechanism and instal it back into the gun.

That's today's adventure.

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