Friday, March 7, 2014

The plan for this year...

I have decided to make an concerted effort on my Youtube Channel this year.  I was intending on make at least one video a week but so far I am about 4 videos behind.  The last video I made was originally going to be two separate videos but I ended up combining them making a duel gold panning and metal detecting video.  I was not really expecting to find anything of real interest at this spot. All the good gold trap holes had been cleaned out and and there is usually a lot of trash from people partying.  After not finding any gold and giving up on prospecting I drove up the road to a shop I had seen that had a sign saying "Treasure Hunting Supplies".  Here I spoke with the shop owner who had to be in his late 80's or early 90's about gold panning and metal detecting.  I ended up buying a cheap Twenty-five dollar sand scoop.  One of my hopes for this year is to metal detect on the coast and I had been looking at a number of them online but this opportunity presented itself so I jumped on it.  I then went back to the spot known as "The Slab" and started detecting.  I found the usually pull tabs, a few coins all modern "Clad".  As I was just about to give up the metal detector spit out a high tone.  I had been digging all the medium to high tones which usually mean metal that is not iron but copper, aluminum, silver, or gold.   The sand was pretty compacted so I was using my rock hammer instead of the scoop.  First I found a nail, then the metal part of a sparkler.  Wire can sometimes wreak havoc on metal detectors.  This was when I saw the side of smashed beer can in the side wall of the hole.  Often whole aluminum cans will give off a high signal.  I was sorta annoyed at it and stuck it with the pick end of the rock hammer and pulled it out.  That was when the color of Gold caught my eye.  My first thought was that it was some foil wrapping from a cigarette packaged or something.   It was small and coiled up, but I picked it up anyway brushing the dirt from the inside of the coil.  After looking at it closer I saw that it was shaped like a snake and indeed was gold as it was marked "10K MEX"  This was the first gold I have ever found with a metal detector and I did it by peer chance.  The coiled up ring was not big enough to be picked up by my detector and almost too small to be picked up by my pinpointer.   I had been thinking about why the ring was coiled up and have come to the conclusion that it had to of been on some body's dread locks or braid.
I am planning on going back to the slab in a few weeks after spring break is over, Hopefully I will find some other items. 
        I also have plans for more Descent Cam videos as well as more How To, and even perhaps some Product Review videos.  More adventures to come.

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